Sunday, August 9, 2020

Cross Stitch Update

 My cross stitch projects have definitely been neglected the last couple of years. It's been a busy couple of years with the birth of our second grandson, selling our house in Huntsville, Alabama, and moving a couple of hours South of Huntsville to Pelham, Alabama. Let me tell you that moving is not for the faint of heart. When the moving van arrived at our new home, I had my husband take a couple of photos of the truck for our then four year old grandson. All little boys like big trucks, you know. When I saw the photo and saw how long the moving van was, I just nearly died right then and there. I could not believe how much stuff I had to unpack and find places for, etc. Not to mention that there was still a lot in storage in Huntsville!  

I decided a few months back to really try to concentrate on finishing some of the unfinished cross stitch projects. After all the packing, unpacking, painting various rooms, etc., I really needed the stress relief that cross stitch provides for me. I thought I would share a couple of projects with you. The first photo is the massive moving van!


Can you believe this? And the moving guys said it was full!

I have been working the most on Christmas Eve by The Prairie Schooler, Book No. 158. I've always liked a lot of the Prairie Schoolers and saw this one stitched by someone else and knew I wanted to do it. I did have to make a couple of substitutions in thread because I didn't have some, but I think it will be just fine. Here's a few photos of this piece.

Check back later and I will have more photos of other projects.

Thanks for stoping by!


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