Thursday, February 21, 2013


I saw some scissor fobs that were different from the most common ones
we see on the market and that I make. 
They are short and made mostly with large beads.
The ones I saw were way overpriced.  I know people want to make
a profit, but not to the extent of taking advantage of people.
Off my soapbox now!
Anyway, the first one I made is so so.  Good enough
to list in my Etsy shop, but I do hope to improve them
as I make more.
These may work for the stitchers who think the longer,
dangly fobs will get in their way.
Here is a photo of the first one I did.  Like I said,
I hope to get some prettier ones as I go along.

I hope to have some more made soon.  I'll show those when they
are ready.


Sunday, February 3, 2013


Several years ago, I completed a small Christmas bellpull.  I attempted to hem
the ends to attach the hardware and never was pleased with how
it looked.  So, the little bellpull stayed in a drawer basically
forgotten.  I came across it in December while pulling
out items for Christmas decorating.  I checked at my local needlework
shop for a finisher, but that didn't work out.  I kept the bellpull
out in my craft room where I could see it and not forget to do
something about it.  After looking at it more and more, I thought that
maybe, just maybe, I would attempt it again in a different way.
I have a sewing machine, but have never been very handy with it.  My mother sewed
beautifully and taught me the basics of making a dress.  I could repair seams, etc., but
that was all I cared to do with my trusty Singer sewing machine. 
The poor little bellpull really needed to be fixed.  I thought about asking
my daughter-in-law to do it for me, but decided the most it needed
was four straight seams.  Come on!  So, one day last week the trusty Singer sewing machine
made its way to the kitchen table and was put into action.
The four seams may not be perfect, but the bellpull can now be used when
Christmas 2013 rolls around.
I also had a new cross stitch work in progress that was very close to
being too wide for the fabric.  I alwasy Fray Check my edges, but it was suggested
that I run a zig-zag seam down the right side.  Well, you guessed it!
My trusty Singer has probably never made a zig-zag seam since I purchased it!  With
manual in hand, I accomplished this also!
Here is a picture of the bellpull.
We also used this last week to remove the plate glass mirror (typical ones installed by
builders) and replace it with a framed, prettier mirror in our powder room.  We had to get the original mirror off, patch the wall where it had been glued, caulk, and paint.  Here is the final product.


Thanks for looking!